FitnessMay 3

Gain muscle without protein powder

What is one thing you can say that has helped you gain muscle except protein powder? I'm been working out for close to 6 years now , every other day and don't take the protein powder. My usual protein intake is close to 75gm for my body weight 145lb. My friends who started going to the gym around the same time look so much bulkier now, so I'm thinking if it's just genetics or the technique. Edit: 145lb , not kg :)

sküby.snak May 3

“To increase muscle mass in combination with physical activity, it is recommended that a person that lifts weights regularly or is training for a running or cycling event eat a range of 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, or 0.5 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight.”

Microsoft Hotdog1234 May 5

This is the right answer.

Deloitte rrBs11 May 5

And also time it properly for building muscle. If I remember correctly, consume it 30 minutes after workout.

CVS Pharmacy mattupatti May 3

I can't comment about your genetics or technique since I haven't seen you or your work out. But you need to double your protein intake. 75gms is way too less for your bodyweight.

Meta whatTooDo OP May 3

Updated body weight to lb. Not kg

CVS Pharmacy mattupatti May 3

Are your doing enough compound lifts? Heavy squats, deadlifts, pullups etc. for example

Smartsheet @nike May 3

You aren't taking enough protein. Your food is calorie rich if you haven't lost body fat in addition to not gaining muscle. Hard to believe you worked out every other day for 6 years, even if you did that's not enough consistency.

JPMorgan Chase stuxnet69 May 3

As the great Ronny Coleman once said, “everybody wanna be a bodybuilder but nobody wanna left some heavy ass weights”

EMC 2cloud May 3

Ronnie is on a wheelchair now.. he lifted a bit too much 😂

Avalara Beeeeeee May 3

Yeah buddy.. Light weight baby!! 🥲


Eat a lot while you work out. Just look at how much the rock eats. Then when you are satisfied with the muscle gain, you can start cutting.

CVS Pharmacy mattupatti May 3

The Rock is on gear my dude. No one gets that physique naturally.

Google alloalloal May 3

Was here to comment same as Cvs. The rock is a bad role model for anyone who wants to gain muscle naturally

Meta 3rdDayIDK May 3

145 kg body weight? I'd focus on losing fat before trying to gain muscle. This will give you a chance to really focus on muscle increase. Ither than that for now. You can make sure your protein intake is a but over 100g to be on the safe side. The recomendation is .5-1g per LEAN body mass. But if your main focus is dropping the fat (which is should be for now). Focus on that.

Meta whatTooDo OP May 3

That was a bug in my post, lb not kg :)

Meta 3rdDayIDK May 3

100+ grams of protein. Learn to do really difficult sets that really push you to your limits. Also, calorie surplus. You can't build on a deficit. Focusing on main compounds lifts with get you a lot of the way there.

Tesla roadhed May 3

Should be a lot higher protein intake

Uber zHmh13 May 3

145kg ? What are you Ronnie Coleman ?

CVS Pharmacy mattupatti May 3

Lightweight baby!

Robinhood jduaioei May 3

Lmao. 145lb is the opposite problem. How the fuck do you “work out” for 6 years and weigh 145lbs? Eat more and really make sure you’re training to failure. It’s not genetics

UiPath jlRp25 May 3

protein powder is just food my guy. given your protein intake you should consider it, or find a high protein snack. costco canned chicken/tuna/deli meat turkey is easy, otherwise you simply need to cook higher protein meals. people overstate protein needs but you are still quite a bit too low to where it probably hurts your progress a decent amount.