How to be unhappy?

What are some reliable ways you get yourself in a bad mood? Ok I will start. One thing is to check LinkedIn and see people brag about themselves. Then secretly feel they didn't deserve it and think it's unfair. After that you feel bad about you not being able to be happy for other people's success and criticize yourself. #mentalhealth

Amazon mentosamzn Apr 30

Join amazon

Grab uut1p7 May 1

Might be.. however, there are tons of people who aspire to join Amazon because of scale and pay.

Google jfkeodk May 2

amazon is a rite of passage worth a stint of at least 2 yrs

Snyk here4lulzz Apr 30

Idk, man. I don’t think about other people that much.

Snap 🍉 loops Apr 30

This is Blind. 99% of us Indians here just do that - constantly look into what’s going on in others’ lives.

ex-Google D2E2 Apr 30

Looking at someone else’s hot wife

Spotify s4dFtx Apr 30

Struggle is real

Cisco kd7srn Apr 30

Y’all need Jesus

Qualcomm zigzag78 Apr 30

Play this weird video game called Dota 2.

LinkedIn wine 🍷 Apr 30


Hubspot dfhyi21 May 2

League of Legends

Grab uut1p7 Apr 30

Frustration because of not getting a good job despite having good skills. As salt on the wound, seeing other people easily get huge offers with minimal effort and bragging about themselves on linkedin. Realising that without luck, one cannot achieve anything in life and thereby feeling bad about the time at which we are born.

Cohesity zbdnsgrjs Apr 30

I recently moved to a new place where I’ve been struggling to make friends (People here are extremely backward, ignorant and talk like they lack basic education). I always find myself home almost 24x7 even though I’m an extrovert because I’ve got no choice at this time. All my past relationships went to shit because I was only responsible for being immature. And now I only resort to phone, social media, etc. Yes work is a temporary relief from my loneliness but there’s nothing else for me at this time. Having resorted to social media has started to make me feel like shit.

Teladoc Health qjGX17 Apr 30


Instacart YdOP30 Apr 30

Open blind on a Friday night.

Financial Service Company dnt_b_dck May 2

Tc 650k 2 yoe

TikTok bannedsoon Apr 30


Citibank CitiMD2BE Apr 30

“Comparison is the thief of joy,” attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt and others, evokes a powerful sentiment that can be life-changing. If we compare ourselves to others, we may be left with feelings of inferiority or superiority—and neither creates an emotionally healthy human being

Salesforce FJjm78 Apr 30

Try to bid on a home in Seattle Eastside for 2.7 and lose out.