How to win over a picky client?

I have a client that's a PITA. I have set clear expectations, I follow through, I give extensive explanations when needed, and over communicate. They always find something to complain about. An example, they found a bug. I opened a ticket for them and provided a timeline for the fix. I worked internally to get the ticket completed sooner. I also communicated that with them as well. Offered free services too. They're still unhappy. What else to do to win them over?. #customerservice

Workday pupoon Apr 23

Perhaps you spend more time really trying to understand what is driving the PITA behavior. Once I have a better understanding of what my customers are up against I sometimes help coach upwards in their organizations to try and set better expectations etc. With that said, you really can't win em all so take this advice with a grain

pGqb16 OP Apr 23

I believe it's anxiety. The main contact is in over their head. They are in a new position that they don't seem qualified for at all. I also had someone on their team tell me they overwhelmed overall. The rest of their team is reasonable. It's hard to coach someone who doesn't want to be coached. I have offered extra meetings for support and they've declined.

Workday pupoon Apr 25

Then you ought to escalate if you have concerns, stick to the facts so as to not make it personal. This is all about making the customer succeed and it's very important that you call out risks in the way of that happening including those stemming from customer resources...