BE GROUPenzo9898

I want to find a tech job in USA

Hello everyone, I'm an experienced Software Engineer specializing in Android development, with 5 years of experience. Originally from Asia, I recently moved to the USA and am in the process of obtaining my Green Card, which I expect to receive in a few weeks. I am eager to connect with professionals in the San Francisco or Seattle areas, as I explore job opportunities in these vibrant tech hubs. If you have any advice, referrals, or simply wish to connect, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for your support! #engineering #software #swe

Meta BGBM45 May 1

Why does your title have to include race and gender. That's just making this post look weird.

IBM UjcS48 May 1

what's up with Asia here? Do you think asians can't get a tech job or something else?

Google tech41 May 1

Bad time to look for a tech job

ex-Cohesity fhjc May 2

Are you the the same girl who deleted the other post?