Metabingo man

IRS took 73K 😭

Don’t get me wrong - I am super grateful for making more money than I ever imagined. But paying these taxes still hurts.

Google apkytglw Apr 17

You did not withhold enough tax

Google tako&mochi Apr 17

More like because Meta stocks jump to 500. Unlike GOOG 🥲

Google apkytglw Apr 17

That is irrelevant, people need to withhold tax when their stock gets vested and when they sell stocks. Owning that much to the IRS may result in penalties.

DocuSign prodLaunch Apr 17

It is just $73

Amazon crzyphtnzz Apr 18

Looks like they hid the last 3 digits after 73. There would no , otherwise.

DocuSign prodLaunch Apr 18

Why would they do that ?

The Trade Desk anon400 Apr 17

What's your TC?

Airbnb _bubba Apr 17


Salesforce Zaphod B Apr 17

This is just a payment to the IRS, so the state shouldn’t make a difference. If the op had showed us an additional payment to the franchise tax board, then it’d be CA taxes.

Apple Tim Cool Apr 17

Common man, you need to pay your fair share, we have undocumented human here need the support.

Flagged by the community.
Tesco Dr. Woohoo Apr 18

The amount spent on all such expenses is orders of magnitude lower than the US gov spends on "freeing other countries"

Chegg fQOw44 Apr 17

Why complain

Microsoft QoBq46 Apr 20

Exactly. What’s the point if these stupid posts that you are paying tax. Don’t people know tax is proportional to income, why to keep crying over it

Rivian RIVlAN Apr 17

Nice flex

NVIDIA urdaf Apr 17

Rookie numbers, took me over 300k

Google Soondoor Apr 18


Amazon baror Apr 18

If I can help you feel better, NVIDIA would half your salary if the taxes are reduced by a lot. You are not making more either way,

Intuit forgotmypw Apr 18

IRS took my home. GG

ex-Bank of America devintech Apr 18

tc and yoe and gtfo