Is it possible to become MLE without any ML experience or formal education?

I have ~7 years of experience working at Amazon and Google as a SWE on distributed systems. I have not done any ML related work in that time, but I have a strong mathematical background from undergrad and have been ramping up on theory. I was wondering if anyone here has had success transitioning from my kind of background to an ML related job in the current tough job market. Thanks.

GFHN18 Apr 30

Trying to see if I can pull it off at my F100 now as a part time gig, gonna see what the hiring manager has to say

Capital One epic_goat Apr 30

Yes. You can become one. Self study, but do projects at Google, may be collaborate internally at 20% time. Getting industry experience is worth heavily. Eventually get credibility and switch to MLE role.

Google Akira88 Apr 30

Yes. Plenty of people have to start from scratch. It isn't easy, but it is possible. Coming from a math background is perfectly fine. You're starting in something adjacent, so do work that gradually gets you closer and closer.

SoFi Agdjhs Apr 30

You can be anything you want

Cloudera innervoice May 1
