Oscar Health

Can anyone who's worked there (or is familiar with the company) speak to 1) Potential of the product in the next few years 2) Quality of engineers and codebase 3) Opportunities to move up in the company 4) Compensation 5) WLB

Oscar dumb|dumb May 1, 2018

1. I can only state what is out there and what I believe. We are now in 6,7 states (didn’t do the count), and you bet we are entering more states in the next few years. We also have a business plan so our revenue is now all-year round instead of relying just on open enrollment. We recently received another round of big funding, so yes! 2. The engineers here are topnotch. They move quickly. We do have tech debts to be resolved as you can expect from a startup. We are a Python-React based company. With more new people coming in, I am sure we will have more headroom to improve the engineering tooling. For a startup like us building so much from ground-up and keeping our boat going this far for 7 years, this family has been doing a spectacular job, eh? I think engineering team is still within or less than a 100. Generally each team has 2-6 people. We are hiring! 3. I think promotion is fair. Mobility between engineering team is also common. Managers here are very supportive. 4. Hmm this I can only speak for myself. It is within the market average, but you have to remember we are not FANG. 5. It is actually really good. I can go on and on, but people here are really friendly. WFH is flexible - work it out with your manager and your team. Like many companies though, product engineers have to be oncall too. I say most engineers leave by 6:00, and you would rarely see anyone online in the chatroom unless it is related to oncall... so sleep tight. We move fast but we try to strike a balance between quality and readiness. What I really like about Oscar is our CEO lol also a co-founder. He’s just really full of energy and he’s very friendly. Not kissing ass here. Just real appreciation for a CEO who is willing to be with people, especially with new hires. Lastly, because of wfh policy, you might be working with coworkers remotely a lot. Some coworkers may not come onsite at all for a week. If you are not comfortable with that, then Oscar may not be a right fit. At least in my team, we are like facebook, highly autonomous, but we always get feedback from each other. We all need code review before code can get land.

TuneIn Gfdcbhhjj May 2, 2018

Is your engineering offices in NYC only? Do you allow remote workers?

Oscar dumb|dumb May 2, 2018

We have a small engineering team in LA now. Total remote is possible - but it depends on the hiring manager/team. Local remote is a perk.

Microsoft AIsO62 May 2, 2018

You sound a lot like the CEO. Lol.

Oscar dumb|dumb May 2, 2018

Then I would be on HN instead.

Visa shaolin May 2, 2018

Compensation is tatu hamsini in Swahilli. Tree fiddy in English.

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Oscar tc/gtfo Jun 3, 2018

Some are good.