LayoffsMay 1

Layoff - we’re 7 months pregnant

I was given a sudden layoff notice last week. We’re expecting our second one in a couple of months. I’ve been offered 4 weeks severance and 4 weeks COBRA. My wife has a job and insurance. Does it make sense to not sign the separation agreement just yet and take FMLA? Is that possible? Or should I just take the money, switch to my partner’s insurance, and interview? Any suggestions welcome.

GitLab sdfhkiytr May 1

Do they know you are expecting a child? 4 weeks is hilarious in your case (and not in a good way). Ask for 16. Try applying to FMLA like N.O.W. and see what happens.

Uber fidnfy May 1

FMLA isnt immune to layoffs, unless its pip

Smartsheet butew May 1

Zscaler has layoffs?

GitLab sdfhkiytr May 1

Looks like they do the Cloudflare style. Layoff people saying it's "performance" and give 4 weeks. Immediately open a new req for a cheaper salary

Microsoft soleveling May 1

It's not we*

Atlassian harsharam May 1

Excellent contribution to an important and urgent topic posted by OP. Incredible. /s because you might be too dense and take it as a compliment and repeat this behavior

Atlassian JIFFY_PIP May 2

Goddamn some people are the worst

Microsoft NewTroncho May 1

Take the money, switch your partner, and interview

Southwest Airlines ViNq87 May 1

If only everyone who got laidoff switced their partners

Bloomberg corpo🐀r May 1

How do I convince my partner to switch a new partner on layoff ?

Cisco Eklipse May 1

Stop the self pity and go get a new job, period.

VMware Slaking2 May 1

You sir are an asshole! I guess you never had a baby.

Cisco Eklipse May 1

I have two and have been laid off twice. Baby doesn’t care about the details, they just need to eat. So put on your big boy pants and work.

Intuit salesds May 1

You can’t take fmla now. You can try to negotiate the severance though.

Veeva nvidiame May 1

Last week zscaler were hiring

Spotify s4dFtx May 1

I switched to my partner’s insurance in similar circumstances. Good luck.

Google seekz May 1

OP FMLA won't protect you from termination at this point, but depending on your company's STD benefits you can both get severance and have their insurance pay you while on disability, you just can't claim unemployment or get another job until you stop STD.

pseS00 May 1

STD for the father? He's not the one giving birth - on what grounds can he qualify for STD?