Meta paternity / maternity leave eligibility if give birth before start date

Am I still eligible for maternity leave if I sign the offer but give birth before my start date at Meta? #meta #maternity #parents

Twilio dIHa48 May 6


Lyft postald00d May 6

Lol no

Microsoft ConfusedMS May 6

This is a question you best ask the recruiter and get it in writing if it is positive. 99% of the companies will deny it since the birthday didn't happen while you were their employee. Hence you have folks change jobs after they've exhausted the maternity leaves (of the company and of the state). Multiple states also offer maternity leaves only if you're with the same employer for over a year (WA)

Niantic kiiE57 OP May 7

Got it thanks!

sumthings May 6

Maybe you can delay start date at best

Uber missheyhey May 9

Only if you delay the due date 😂