Looking for zoom/meta/Reddit referrals

I was hit with Amazon layoffs. I’m a sr. Technical Product manager with about 10 years of experience. Any other leads for product roles or referrals are appreciated! Thanks #meta #reddit #zoom #doordash doordash #airbnb #microsoft

Microsoft memerboi Mar 29

Valuation of DoorDash seems very questionable. I understand having to hustle to get another job, but I would expect the bottom to fall out from under any equity in that company at any time.

Amazon CChb11 OP Mar 29

Not a bad call out. Appreciate your insight. What are your thoughts on Microsoft for product managers?

Microsoft memerboi Mar 29

My experience with the PM side has been limited, and the ones I've worked with haven't exactly impressed me. Lots of sending communications to execs and escalations, but not much of the actual management side of understanding a product. Makes their contributions feel hollow. That's just my limited experience of course. I'm sure plenty of PMs around here are great.

Zoom dwxrst Mar 29

You can DM me for a Zoom referral

⏳📻📠📽️ Mar 29

I heard they’re still doing layoffs at zoom

Meta ThRQ73 Mar 29

You can DM me for a Meta referral

Microsoft GQPq36 Mar 31

If you have more than 4 years experience in Amazon, dont spoil other companies culture.