Got kinda-blindsided with a PIP. Did not know much about pip/focus or the whole process till today so bare with me. Basically thing was that few months ago, I sent out a code fix (that was approved by the team btw..), turns out this fix had a side effect which caused some issues downstream and had to revert. On top of that, a 6 month project was delivered 2 weeks behind schedule. Anyway now I have the pleasure of deciding whether to leave and look for a new job and accept a severance of about 4 weeks of pay or to go through the PIP and look for a new job. Is it better to accept the severance look for a new job or is it better to go through PIP while interviewing on the side and hope I make it. I would still plan to leave even IF I make it out of PIP. Main concern is will employers care if I am currently employed or not? If I interview during PIP I can still say I am currently employed vs if I take severance.. Thanks for the advice! #Amazon #PIP #advice

Amazon pipd2024 OP Jan 30

Btw I am a new grad hire, joined a little less than 2 years ago. Only L4 on my team.

Amazon nock nock Jan 30

Sounds like my story haha

DocuSign prodLaunch Jan 30

Sounds like 2 out of 3 of my classmates who are in Amazon, lol

Qualcomm idkwtfign! Jan 30

Take FMLA leave asap. You will get a couple of months to find a job.

Snowflake floraly Jan 30

Can someone be fired during the leave stating that the candidate was already on PIP and a decision was going to be made already?

Snowflake floraly Jan 30

I know FMLA is job protected for 12 weeks. But what if someone applied for the leave during the final 2 weeks of PIP?

Datadog siemdog Jan 30

Firstly, a "6 month project was delivered 2 weeks behind schedule" seems like a normal situation. Par for the course for most software projects. Unless the company suffered major losses, there is zero need to PIP someone over it. Secondly, reverts happen all the time. They are part of the software engineering process. Unless the company got destroyed due to it, this is also part of the engineering process. So it looks like 1. Your management is unable to accept the idiosyncrasies of software engineering where timelines are variable and small scale incidents are common or 2. Your management is looking for reasons to scapegoat you. This is exactly how one should expect incompetent management to behave, especially at Amazon but also at any other company. Regardless, your time is up. If I were in your place, I would have either taken the severance and chilled or I would have taken the PIP and not done any work. Whatever you want to do. The only thing you should not do for the company is actual work.

Snowflake floraly Jan 30

This ⬆️ I also think it is the 2nd point mentioned here that is happening.

Amazon pipd2024 OP Jan 30

Thanks for the advice! Appreciate it. What happens if I accept the PIP and choose to basically just job search and not do the work. What can they do, can they terminate me immediately? There are two "deadlines", one is two weeks out and one is six weeks out. Will they just sack me after two weeks? If so then I should just take the severance right?

Apple boyNamedXu Jan 30

They had to meet the quota and you were expendable. Sucks, but that’s Amazon for you. Good call leaving. I’d stay employed during PIP.

Amazon vastappan Jan 30

Search “Terrible dev plan and pip culture in Amazon”. Top most post has everything you need to know. Bookmark it. Good luck.

Amazon pipd2024 OP Jan 30


Comcast sweng7 Jan 30

Stay employed as long as possible using PIP. Blind is full of posts of people not able to find jobs for 6+ months after layoffs. Right now is not a good time to search and start new job. TCs are a lot lower, and some offers are also getting rescinded. Good luck!

Amazon lucg Jan 31

That will be one extra month basically, if stayed employed. What's the point of torture?

Datadog pipqueen Jan 31

Do you not use canary deployments and feature flags?

Amazon pipd2024 OP Jan 31

Applied for FMLA, but the status is pending. If the status is pending they won't allow me to postpone my pivot decision. What can I do from there?

Snowflake floraly Jan 31

You can go on the leave even though the status is pending. Just get the paperwork from your PCP done within next 1-2 weeks. This deadline for paperwork depends on the company.

Amazon pipd2024 OP Jan 31

Thanks! Do I need to let my manager/ HR partner know I have requested FMLA leave?

Microsoft aidb Feb 2

Op Don’t tell your managers about the FMLA. Once you apply for FMLA from the DLS portal, it’s already started subject to documentation (within 2-3 weeks), if you can provide the doctors letter and fill up those forms, your FMLA will be approved or else it will be denied. I think you’re good, because you have already applied for FMLA and now you just need to submit docs. My advice is to NOT take the PIP, it will only buy you 2-4 weeks time and you will get literally peanuts of severance.

Nutanix QbBN86 Feb 2

Is taking severance option at the end of Focus considered voluntary termination or involuntary?