Question about Double trigger RSUs and acquisition

Hi I was wondering when a company gets acquired, what’s stopping the company doing the acquiring from laying off acquired employees with large amounts of unvested stock that are making much more than their existing engineers due to the stock grants from the company they acquired. Justifying it as eliminating redundant positions or something. This might be a stupid question not very knowledgeable in this subject. TC 330

Nuro WYDJ70 Apr 17

Depends. Every stock plan is written differently. You need to read yours carefully.

Financial Services Company DYjs66 Apr 17

We taking a pre IPO company buying a pre IPO company? We talking vested vs. unvested?

Airtable send OP Apr 17

I was thinking about the scenario where an IPO company acquires a pre ipo, and the employee had unvested shares

Supercell mJFn27 Apr 17

Every stock plan I’ve ever been part of has had a clause that all stocks vest if company is acquired.

Airtable send OP Apr 17

Ahh I see, I have an offer right now, but haven’t been sent the stock plan details, i’ll ask for them thank you!

^_^ Apr 17
