Salary negotiation service from

Has anyone used the salary negotiation service from Is it any good? TC: 650K - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
Amazon LordOfOOMs May 2

Before I answer you, Do you have multiple offers or not

Cellares nikolain1 May 2

Plus one to the question, very curious about its usefulness.

ServiceNow truthfails May 2

Waste of money. They will confuse you. I went by their “script“ and lost an offer. At least I got my money back for their (dis)service. In this market, be realistic about compensation, unless you are niche skillset.

Apple ksnek OP May 2

Can you elaborate? What was their script and why did you lose the offer?

Meta jbxsukn May 2

Play it safe with common sense and beware of reality. You do not need such services.

rcyW04 3d

Are you leaving Apple? It really depends on the coach that you get. The founders themselves have never worked a day in HR so they wouldnt know current trends, changes with all tech companies (tho they pretend they do). Their data is out of date and wildly inaccurate without tons of submission. I have nothing great to say about this company.