
Security tutorials

Hi everyone, I am a student of information security. I am having trouble finding tutorials for different attacks. I do not know if it's something in Europe but it was not this difficult in my bachelor's in my own country. Does anybody have any suggestions for websites where I can find this stuff? Thanks in advance #cybersecurity #security #education

Northrop Grumman iyTC77 Apr 22

The MITRE ATT&CK Framework will give you a list of common attacks. From there, you can YouTube the tutorials and you should be able to find what you need.

Discover Financial Services royal๐Ÿ” Apr 22

OWASP top 10, PortSwigger academy how web security testing and there are YouTube channels for how to do the labs. Tryhackme and more advanced labs on hackthebox. Hacker101 and a similar course on bugcrowd. These are free and this is the most actual stuff available.

ShadowDeep OP Apr 22

Thank you so much

IBM IPMN53 Apr 24

There are pretty much good platforms. First of all what kind of attack do you want to study? Web application attacks, network attacks, OS level attacks etc. In general you can use these lab environments: * DVWA- * TryHackMe - Online Learning Platform with hands on labs * HackTheBox (HTB) - Vulnerable machines CTF style solutions * WebGoat - A vulnerable app like DVWA * VulnHub - Like HTB, CTF style machines * Offensive Security Playground - Like HTB * PortSwigger Academy - Best lab for web based attacks

ShadowDeep OP Apr 25

Currently, I am doing an assignment on social engineering attacks and I am stuck on steganography. Other attack knowledge is welcome too

Discover Financial Services royal๐Ÿ” Yesterday

@op social engineering and steganography is great for understanding and can be a lot of fun. Though from the marketability perspective those resources shared above are more valuable. If you are interested in web security then one missing resource is OWASP Juice Shop. Itโ€™s another vulnerable app, very popular. I know companies that use it to train their SWEs with it.