Seeking Career Guidance: Continue with EM Applications or Shift to IC Roles?

Hi everyone, I'm reaching out for some advice on navigating my career path. I have 22 years of experience in the Wall Street banking sector. For the past 6 years, I've worked as an Engineering Manager (EM) at a Wall Street bank, following a 16-year stint as a hands-on Staff Engineer/Solution Architect/Principal Engineer. I still read much about tech and am up-to-date on Kafka, Mongo, ELK, Kubernetes, Cloud, Microservices, etc. I also discuss architecture/problems in detail with my principal engineer. My resume and LinkedIn profile have been reviewed and verified by paid professionals from Google and Apple, who confirmed they're strong. However, despite actively applying for EM positions at FAANG and all tech companies for the past year, I have landed only 2 interviews. Given the current tech market and my background, I'm wondering what the best approach might be: 1. Continue applying for EM positions on Linkedin: Is there anything I can be doing differently to stand out as an EM candidate for FAANG companies? 2. Transition to IC roles: Should I consider switching to Individual Contributor (IC) roles and focusing on brushing up on algorithms? If so, how realistic is this transition, given my experience? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Best Regards #tech #engineering #swe #software #amazon

Qualtrics uXywa May 1

IC any day. Low stress for the similar TC

BNY Mellon mkasrp OP May 4

What is the best way to apply for positions via LinkedIn, through each company's career site, or any other optimal method? Please advise.