Should I be Using Chatgpt - Stunting Growth?

I feel like guilty using Chatgpt. I don’t work at Coinbase I’m a SWE 1 at a decent company lots of ex FAANG here. I’m getting overly reliant on it and will use it quite a shit ton while working on my tickets and stuff. Not sure cause my reviews are quite high and on promo track under a year. I have a desire to become a very good software engineer and I feel guilty and sad that I might be destroying my potential by relying on it so much. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. #engineering #software #swe #engineering #advice

ByteDance puter Apr 30

As long as you convince yourself of the correctness of ChatGPT’s answers instead of blindly accepting them, I think you’re fine.

Coinbase tingwishsj OP Apr 30

Oh 100% I make sure I can understand it very well, I usually write notes regarding solutions and stuff like that. I also just generally use it to understand concepts as sometimes it can explain things in wording that is easier for me to digest

PayPal TTXX4Ke3 Apr 30

You might have already been past this point… idk how old you are, but math teachers always used to say “You won’t always have a calculator.”

Coinbase tingwishsj OP Apr 30

I am a new grad haha so 23

Intel rrdW07 Apr 30

Chatgpt/copilot are good tools. However, they are very far from expert SWEs. Code is easily not efficient or secure with them. You will need to learn harder stuff and these tools will become less useful (as they are now). And for those that compare with math teachers, there Is a difference. Calculators don’t hallucinate.

CPOInCA Apr 30

Once management realizes what you're doing you will be fired. Good luck!

Coinbase tingwishsj OP May 1

Plenty of people including other engineers at my company use chatgpt :)


Nope. Start looking for a new job.