Staring at another kid

Hi everyone,I'm reaching out for some advice on how to handle a situation with my child at school. Recently, my kid has been staring at another student during class (seems like another kid is excellent in skills). I want to address this behavior in a way that teaches respect and boundaries. Another kid noticed and reported to me and we are all living in same community.Any suggestions or strategies you've found effective in similar situations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help! #parenting #workingparent

PayPal zftyusgdj May 2

How old is the kid? Please spare them if less than 8!

Capital One newsrmanag OP May 2


Salesforce QGje37 May 2

Let him keep staring so he can also become excellent in skills.

Rogers Media hustlew May 2

๐Ÿ‘†Learn by observing.

National Veterinary Associates 7thLegion May 2

People are too sensitive now a days. Staring is fine for learning and growth. Encourage the kid to build upon what he has observed

Hubspot ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ› May 2

So, another kid told you that your kid was staring at them? Tell another kid to fuck off.

Capital One newsrmanag OP May 2

Yes reported to me

Hubspot ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ› May 2

Protect your kid from this little bully. Imagine how they treat your child in class if they dared to report it to you. I am not kidding.

Epic bliiiiiind May 2

Is anyone (you included) comparing that kid to yours, like "look at how he does it", or "look how he is better than you" etc. Trace that and cut it down. That should help.

Capital One newsrmanag OP May 2

I will ask him

Amazon kalapaa May 2

Talk to your kid about whatโ€™s happening, do it very carefully without being pushy or aggressive. High time

Spotify s4dFtx May 2

Indians stare . School seems culturally insensitive.

Yahoo Inc krtybstg 4d

Ask your kid his version and explanations before you make up your mind that he needs to be corrected.