System design tradeoffs

How should I learn tradeoffs while doing System Design I went through all materials in earlier posts in Blind 1.donnemartin System design primer 2. Grokking System design . System design primer has some details about why Other materials do not have sufficient info . How do I become expert in tradeoffs and explain why I have chosen certain solution for a specific design Designing Data intensive applications does not help on Core system design . It helps on data principles #systemdesign #tradeoffs

Meta Toxu63 May 9

Sadly sometimes it takes to be in that role to learn quickly. Reading can only take you so far and is very slow

Ex-Metaa May 9

Do some mock interviews at meetapro, interviewingio. Experience interviewers can easily tell whether you have experience or not. The feedback from mock interviews can help you mitigate that.

Twilio tEiY31 OP May 9

Yes , I did few of them . Feedback says , that I need to provide reasons for why I have choose specific technique. 😀