FitnessApr 16

Things I wish I knew long ago about getting fit bro

1. BDSM (bench, deads, squats, military press). Don't use the machines, be like Arnold and BECOME the machine! Machines are just wasted squat rack space. 2. Lift heavy. The nerds already figured out that mo weight = mo muscle. Don't fix what's not broken. Anything more than 6 reps is cardio, anything more than 12 needs mo weight. 3. Walk it off. Did your workout hurt? Good. Now hope on the treadmill and walk until it stops hurting. It's the only machine I recognize... Begrudgingly. 4. Eat your brotien! 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight. If you want to get ripped you need your get ripped fuel. 5. Fine, also eat your fruits, veggies, and carbs... 😔. 6. Throw your scale out the window. It's a machine! DON'T TRUST THE MACHINES! Let the mirror and the plates on your bar tell you how healthy you are. There's a reason why gyms have more mirrors than scales bro. Fight the machines! (I'm still on to you treadmill). Edit: 7: DRINK WATER! How much water? Well if your asking then your mouth isn't guzzling water. NOW GO DRINK MORE WATER! In all seriousness though, I'm just having some fun sharing what has helped me out significantly and trying to make it a bit more enjoyable to read. For the record I don't actually hate the machines *twitch*. Wishing you all the best in your fitness journeys.

Pure Storage vYlb01 Apr 16

I don’t agree with “Anything more than 6 reps is cardio”. Everything else is true. Oh yeah, fck the treadmill, run outside!

DocuSign dsdbs OP Apr 16

It's a joke among my strongman friends 😂.

DRPT firelie Apr 18

6 reps is definitely cardio. Have you ever squatted heavy weight before or nah?

Uber . . Apr 16

BSD stats or gtfo

DocuSign dsdbs OP Apr 16

Haha be kind I'm only 5 months into powerlifting but B: 225 S: 365 D: 375 These are from my 5x1s. So I could probably squeeze out another 5-10% for a true 1RM.

DocuSign dsdbs OP Apr 16

Also my bench needs a lot of work. I'm not super stable with it yet and I need more arch.

Salesforce °°° Apr 16

Agree that scale is not useful. It is one dimensional way of measure

DocuSign dsdbs OP Apr 16

Idk why people made such a complicated Frisbee. It doesn't even fly that far.

OKG Technology not-ok Apr 21

Situationally useful for fitting into a weight class, measuring your rate of bulk/cut, and if you have relative strength goals like e.g. double bw pullup, planche fatbulking can make them harder

Mastercard xPya64 Apr 16

“Powerlifting” is for truck drivers from Minnesota. Pipe down, son.

DocuSign dsdbs OP Apr 16

The truck is what I call my...

Amazon jtis55 Apr 16

Shoes? Since they take you everywhere

Ulta Beauty LearnyErny Apr 16

From a dude that got into powerlifting early and is now 30. Make sure you add in flexibility training, your older self will thank you.

DocuSign dsdbs OP Apr 16

So true. I'm already experiencing some of that early in. I'm always stretching as part of warmup now.

Hubspot efiejcjs Apr 18

You should stretch after if we’re talking static stretches. Dynamic movements is good during warmups though.

Indeed Meeeseeks Apr 16

I read this in the voice of the Powerthirst add - excellent.

DocuSign dsdbs OP Apr 16

One of the best videos ever made đŸ‡ș🇾

Indeed LT83oa Apr 16

Man's not wrong

Pure Storage purefect Apr 16

Yep, I wish someone told me heavy, basic, compound lifts are the way to start.

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DocuSign dsdbs OP Apr 17

Most gyms have fixed weight bars that go below 45lb. You will often see people curling them. Those make a great substitute. You can also use dumbbell variations for all 4 compound lifts until you become strong enough for the bar.

PagerDuty FtruUTc Apr 17

0. Start saving $$$ for knee&hip replacements plus spine surgery

Indeed LT83oa Apr 17

You're an idiot lol. The worst kind of idiot too, a small and weak one

Pure Storage vYlb01 Apr 17

Yeah, this is quite ignorant comment. Issues with knees/hips happen when muscles are too weak for the load your body endures. This may happen for overweight people with weak muscles or this may happen with athletes who try to break their one rep record. The best way to deal with it is to gradually strengthen your muscles. This way you’ll not have issues in your daily life. Also don’t do “ego” lifts so that you don’t have issues in training.