Misc.Apr 27

What's going on with the person posting about Ashley all the time?

Kinda worrying and unnerving, assuming it's not a troll. TC 500

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Amazon tPPL80 Apr 27


Stripe prowskibar Apr 27

This is the guy who needs help. Gen AI: take your meds bud!

Google qaqaqa Apr 27

Hi Ashley

Amazon AI Ashley Apr 27

Hi 👋

Amazon AI Ashley Apr 27

Legit hot topic work drama at Amazon.

Netflix bsnx Apr 27

How about you? Are you a student at Stanford?

Google blindly__ Apr 27

What tf even happened? I've only seen random bits like someone at Stanford and whatever else, no idea wtf is even going on

NVIDIA gul777 Apr 27

Man i had the same question. Whats up with that.

Amazon AI Ashley Apr 27

You’ll hear multiple versions of what happened depending on what year they joined Amazon. A private club shut down because identities got outed.

NVIDIA gul777 Apr 27

But what does that have to do with stanford ? Are you the Ashley they are posting about ? Lol.. this needs a Netflix show.

Synopsys wjejdbwm37 Apr 27

You see some disturbing things sometimes on blind, but this was at a different level. Cant tell whether its a troll or someone going through a mental breakdown. Feels bad

NVIDIA gul777 Apr 27

Exactly at this point cant tell if its a troll or someone genuinely in distress.

Cisco BuggyD🤡 Apr 27

He was here yesterday as well. Tried talking to him and asking him to get help. Clearly he doesn’t want any help or wants to get any better. Don’t feel bad, you can only help those who are willing to help themselves. Block him and move on.

Amazon fjfuvysj Apr 27

Not sure if he blocked me, but all his posts/comments (including in this post) has been deleted. Can anyone confirm?

Cisco BuggyD🤡 Apr 27

He is just deleting his posts after some time. That’s how he has managed not to get blocked by blind yet

Amazon fjfuvysj Apr 27

Mann i kinda miss seeing his posts and comments

Meta richаrdhea Apr 27

Why do you think it was not a troll? They were spamming all over the place with teenager level horny nonsense.

Amazon fjfuvysj Apr 27

No they weren't. If i was horny teenager I'll make a post about how i busted in your sister, not how I'm suffering a mental breakdown because my gf became a prostitute

Meta richаrdhea Apr 27

Meh, the guy (?) was posting all over about fucking whpres, does not seem that different to me. The obsessing about that, and others’ sex life - pretty much a horny teenager. Or a mommy boy who cannot get laid.