Misc.May 1

What’s the max amount of time you would be gone from work before logging as PTO?

For example, no one likely logs 5 minute breaks under PTO, and a 1 week vacation is almost always PTO. Where do you draw the line at? 1 hour? Half day? Full day? If you have unlimited PTO - answer with at what point you’d tell your direct manager/ask for permission.

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Samsara turdyefje May 1

I don’t log PTO until I’m asked to or unless I’m requesting it off in advance. I always take a day or two off here or there. We also have “unlimited” PTO

Roku ass2mouth May 1

Same we have unlimited PTO but I won’t log it until my manager asks. I’d rather it look like I didn’t take any PTO and I’m an amazing employee

Microsoft àáàáæ May 1

Depends if I was doing overtime the night before, if it's a Friday etc.

Amazon cndk28djwo May 1

Only if you taking the time off would impact project timelines. As a salaried employee, you have discretion into how you deliver your work responsibilities. If you feel that, a break for XX amount of hours or days is required for you to deliver your work, then you are empowered to decide that you need them. You are fulfilling the duties of your job at your discretion.

Friikk75 May 1

I also have “unlimited” PTO. The threshold for me is half a day but whether I submit PTO depends on how much work I can get done, because most of the time I will make up for hours that I’m AFK later on in the day or later in the week. If I don’t plan on making the hours up or it isn’t feasible then I will put in PTO.