Misc.May 1

no hello

I used to think advocates of no-hello were silly, but by god I'm now on a project being led by a chronic hello-er every morning it's "good morning" and then silence afternoon it's "good afternoon" and then silence I've decided to make it a point to ignore her for several hours before responding just needed to rant this is day 1 of me being a no-hello-er good bye TC: hello

41 Participants
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Cisco BuggyD🤡 May 1


Google xDzTqw May 1

I usually just ask how can I help you to such hellos.

Google goblinder OP May 1

stop feeding the hellos

Amazon gCcs20 May 1

That's nice of you. I just respond, "Hi."

Capital One unky_richy May 1

Literally just fucking write good morning and then shift+enter a fucking newline into the message box to type your message

Stripe stripers May 1

Why would you ever think no-hello was silly? I smelt through people’s “Can i ask you a question?” bullshit when I was L3