FitnessApr 28

Is Cricket a good sport for fitness?

I find it one of the least physically intense sport. Is that true?

Intel Mogaji Apr 28

Try fast bowling in cricket. Pretty sure you won't be saying that again

SoFi hdjdnkd OP Apr 28

I did. Honestly it’s not much compared to soccer and basketball I play.

Twilio VRVa22 Apr 30

Imo Baseball and Cricket are at the same level. Tennis and soccer are the most intense

Accenture AQvr37 Apr 28

Yeah. Defintely not intense as some of the other games. If you’re fit it defintely helps to improve running between the wickets etc but can be without it as well.

Micron 🔥 in 🕳 Apr 28

Obviously, it's not as intense as tennis or marathon. It definitely depends on the grade you play. Higher the grade you play, Higher the skill and fitness you would require, and sustain it to stay in the game.

Walmart nasddp Apr 28

Cricket itself is not a great sport for fitness. But to play it at a competitive level, one needs to have excellent fitness. For that, professional cricketers do a lot work out and play other sports like soccer, basketball etc

Amazon daddyjass Apr 28

It's more intensive than sitting on your ass all day. It's probably not going to get you shredded or raise your heart rate all that much.

mwWD87 Apr 28

Works great as an alternative to golf. Not as active as soccer or basketball.

Egnyte wjdysj3 Apr 28

Play the sport that you enjoy. That would be sustainable in the long term. Playing cricket is 100x better than not playing any sport.

SoFi hdjdnkd OP Apr 28

I already play other sports and run marathons. My Indian friends pulled me into it, I like it but I don’t see much value in terms of fitness.

Amazon pichimunda Apr 28

Least physically intense 😂 Either you have never played any sport or you cannot understand sports. May be pick up a ball, run and bowl at 100kmpt atleast (may take you a full year 🤭) and come back. Until then, your opinions are worthless.

SoFi hdjdnkd OP Apr 28

Speak for yourself. I ran sub 2 hrs half-marathons, play soccer and basketball regularly. My Indian friends pulled me in cricket and I can say it’s not a sport that compares to any of the above.

Microsoft reactng Apr 29

Lol probably an indian trying hard to defend that shitty game called cricket. The audacity of this guy to even call that game a sport 😑

MindTickle testerwe Apr 28

Yes it is not intense as football

Apple Mr. Binod Apr 28

Look at the pro athletes who play these sports. I have never seen a fat footballer. Cricket has had several greats with a discernible paunch.

Cisco kd7srn Apr 29

Same with baseball. Babe Ruth was fat