Tech IndustryJul 14, 2022

Amazon L5 salary range - Bay Area

Excepting an offer from Amazon for NDE 2 position at level 5. What would expected salary range for 12 years experience. Tc - 175k Note: NDE - Network Development Engineer NOT the software development engineer

116 Participants
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Amazon dnerd Jul 14, 2022

What’s NDE

VMware meaning Jul 14, 2022

Network development engineer

VMware meaning Jul 14, 2022

"It is basically a DevOps role. They expect you to know very good programming and at the same time you should have CCIE level certification or the knowledge" "SWE focused on network automation. it's the same ladder as SWE, but for people with strong network backgrounds." -someone on blind

Amazon VKiE15 Jul 14, 2022

I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a lot lower right now, I’d be surprised if you get 350, with the current economy companies are going to less inclined to pay you top dollar.

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VMware meaning Jul 14, 2022

The "S" is pretty far away from the "N" on the keyboard, how could that be a mistake?

Meta srsrsr Jul 14, 2022

@meaning loll

LinkedIn dCmc45 Jul 16, 2022

I’d be surprised 350k being offered for level 5. It is more on the level 6 territory.

Discover Financial Services walwhite Jul 23, 2022

Did you get the numbers ?