RelationshipsOct 12, 2022

Asking a girl out who has a boyfriend?

I have this massive crush on a girl who’s currently in a long distance relationship with someone for a year. We hang out as friends and are super compatible (imo more than her current relationship. Our value systems, background, and religious beliefs align, and we have shared views on the future). She has no idea I like her now. Is it ok to ask her out? I don’t mind risking the friendship if it doesn’t work out.

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AVEVA pihole Oct 12, 2022

Why would you want to be with someone who’d leave their current relationship for you?

Microsoft 🍌’ville Oct 12, 2022

Because love is inherently a selfish deed.

JPMorgan Chase hdydydcjgj Oct 12, 2022

OP said because his relationship with her is better.

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Google Google  OP Oct 12, 2022


Salesforce biomerdio Oct 12, 2022

Then why you religious ?

PayPal kHrbJr Oct 12, 2022

Lol, you don’t care about your friendship? Sounds like you’re just trying to get some, have fun ruining their relationship

jgtjhvgh Oct 12, 2022

bold of you to assume girl is going to say yes to OP

PayPal kHrbJr Oct 12, 2022

I guess I’m thinking worst case, best case he loses a friendship he doesn’t care about

Google rroobish Oct 12, 2022


Genentech techbaboon Oct 12, 2022

Yeah just do it, nothing to lose really.

Google remot3 Oct 12, 2022

> Our value systems, background, and religious beliefs align LOL for real? Do those value systems and religious beliefs allow cheating?

veeg1031 Oct 12, 2022

That’s not cheating, it’s sharing your feelings. What if she’s not happy with her current relationship? I’m not saying spoilt the current relationship

Google remot3 Oct 12, 2022

Part of the relationship is not "shopping around" potential partners for which to break up with your long distance partner. That is cheating

Scotiabank print($) Oct 12, 2022

To add some sanity to your fire: I don't think you should pursue her as she's currently in a relationship. How would you feel if you had a girlfriend and her guy friend decided that he was more compatible with her and decided to pursue her? If you obviously don't think that's right, that's exactly what you're trying to do. I know inside, you believe that you want to find the best fit to marry, but don't do it like this. Don't be a home wrecker. If it truly was meant to be, you two will find a way when you're both single.

QEEN🐝 Oct 13, 2022

Don’t - leave her alone .. she deserves happiness.. if she is meant for you she will come .. else she won’t ..

AVEVA pihole Oct 13, 2022

As frustrating as this line is, it’s the only way to go. 🥹

Google mamboz Oct 15, 2022

I don’t even understand what that line means!

Amazon ghooz Oct 14, 2022

I would tell her that I like her. And that if she is ever single in the future, you would like to take her out on a date. This way there is no cheating.

NVIDIA lotun Oct 15, 2022 Respect her relationship, but let her know that you are on standby, in case...