Tech IndustryApr 18, 2023
Accounting FirmPseE20

Be honest with the number of employees required

Doesn’t feel like people who work at larger corporations especially in tech do much work. I see neighbors frequently posting in the neighborhood facebook group quite frequently versus being busy and doing work. They are being paid 200k+ for 10 hours a month. No wonder OpenAI mopped the floor with Google. Arbitration opportunity by just making salaries hourly instead.

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Capital One 🧢 3️⃣ Apr 18, 2023

Hans? Is that you?

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Accounting Firm PseE20 OP Apr 18, 2023

This is a fallacy. The tech workers are not generating profit like a doctor. The software + automations that were already developed is generating the profit. The tech worker may add a feature or fix a bug but for the most part that is not directly contributing to profit.

Bloomberg RedRomeo28 Apr 18, 2023

Go ahead and try to make a software startup and outsource to cheaper developers overseas and outcompete companies that have tech workers that only works 10 hours per week then. The market will decide who is right and wrong

Microsoft HsRd46 Apr 18, 2023

Actually they didn’t pay them enough to prevent them from going to openai.

Microsoft bPtq65 Apr 18, 2023

Gr8 b8 m8

Expedia Group yowzas Apr 18, 2023

hourly? so what, everyone will report they worked 40 hours. no manager of professionals is going to ask them to account for their time AND monitor the accounting of it unless there is a specific business reason for doing so.

Microsoft MSFTAGI Apr 18, 2023

If the company can’t know the output is 10h a month and didn’t ask for more work it is the company money. What is your business then? Stop brown nose.

Meta likeaboz Apr 18, 2023

I worked from 8:30am to 2:30am yesterday. Up at 6:30 and will start working by 7. You can always cherry-pick examples, even in your company

Seagate sszsss Apr 18, 2023

i am all in for more pay less work, but what op posted (about effectiveness, not number of people required - i believe those are diff things) doesn’t seem like cherry picking Check out this post! "How many hours do you “effectively” put in for work per week including weekends? (Misc.)"

Accounting Firm PseE20 OP Apr 18, 2023

I am super curious now, what work you did between 8.30am - 2.30 am, can you expand?

ViaSat Drmx Apr 18, 2023

First in a fraction of your time, you could shit post on forums and still be working 80 or 90% of every hour. So it's kind of silly to even guess someone only worked 10 hours a month. Second, what counts as work? If I am improving my skills or thinking of how to solve a bug or build a system on the shifter, am I working or does the company getting that for free? Salary jobs pay for your availability and results. Not really for hours. We don't get overtime.

Microsoft pro-gramma Apr 18, 2023

Same thing could easily be said for other professions. Companies growing larger than necessary is a real phenomenon.

Apple aWVt68 Apr 18, 2023

Hours worked is meaningless. If you work 1 hour a day but generate $1B due to that then it’s worth a lot more than someone working 10 hours a day in useless things not generating any revenue

Accounting Firm PseE20 OP Apr 18, 2023

But you are not generating anything, it’s the software and servers that is doing the heavy lifting.

Apple aWVt68 Apr 18, 2023

Did the software write itself?