Microsoftbl 🐋whale

Best city for remote work?

Criteria is LCOL(rent, tax, food), transportation infra availability, weather, safety, vacation flight availability Forgot to add Miami to the list. By Seattle I don't mean inside but nearby cheaper cities like Bellingham I feel Houston covers almost everything except safety and weather. Seems hugely underrated. Getting larger place without breaking bank is important to me Edit: Surprising Seattle placing so high in poll. Thought it was considered HCOL with depressing rainy weather

45 Participants
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Google Rakeshi 3d

Some places listed are LCOL-based pay but HCOL. At least at the west and east coast HCOL areas, you get HCOL comps.

Microsoft bl 🐋whale OP 3d

My comp is fixed 🥜 for full remote

Microsoft xDqS54 3d

Fixed? I thought you have to change your official work location in the system and get it approved, if you are looking to move permanently, which will adjust the base pay depending on the market rate for the new geo. I’m fully remote too and that’s what i had to go through. And i’m pretty sure Bellingham falls under a different bucket from Seattle/Puget sound. I mean, keeping Redmond pay for Cheyenne COL sounds too good to be true at a company like Msft (“do more with less”), i’d love to do that too lol

Snowflake uzdR23 3d

Twin cities cover all except weather

Microsoft bl 🐋whale OP 3d

It looks like it has one of the highest taxes in US? Other than that seems promising

Hubspot WnuB61 3d

There are no cheaper cities nearby Seattle anymore.

Snowflake aliGBomaye 3d

Gary, Indiana

Google sknkhunt42 3d

Detroit metro / columbus probably good if you like cooler weather. It doesn't get hotter than 90 around that area, and col is still cheap relative to the coast. Fair amount of food diversity, stuff to do but not as much as the coast. Flights probably more expensive than from Houston

Microsoft bl 🐋whale OP 3d

Think they look great too if it wasn't for taxes, and less bothering but fewer flight and bus options as you say

Google sknkhunt42 3d

Income tax in both places are probably around 4-5% if not in the city? I personally don't mind some levels of taxes as it helps fund the public. But if you optimize for the 0% tax, sure go to TX lol

VMware pqwmtg 3d

You forgot Kansas, Detroit, ohio, oragon, Nashville tennessee, utah, verginia, Springfield

PayPal co7LqV2C 3d

How’d you come up with this list?

Microsoft bl 🐋whale OP 3d

Looking at other posts and gmap for general idea of cost and variety

PayPal co7LqV2C 3d

Phoenix, AZ Denver, CO Boise, ID Vermont Maine Add cool places to live if you’re just going there to save money. Idk where you got Cheyanne Wyoming. Have you ever visited there? It’s 50 to 100 miles in every direction from everything (no exaggeration… literally). The best thing there is a “fancy” motel and and and Texas Roadhouse (no joke… it’s actually a pretty decent Texas Roadhouse). The only reason Cheyanne exists is it’s a joke by a billionaire who own Sinclair and it’s where we dump our surface nukes (also… not exaggerating). It’s truly the middle of nowhere. Chyanne frontier days is coming up and is the only time there’s more than about 1000 people there.

Salesforce goooo- 3d

I’d choose weather and sunshine over space anytime

Salesforce goooo- 3d

Not iowa. It’s boring and expensive and you will have pay cut

Anheuser-Busch greycrow 3d

St. Louis - try Maryland Heights, MO or Collinsville, IL. I live in the south part of the st louis city county.

Oracle justnothin 3d

Do you live in Ballwin ?

Anheuser-Busch greycrow 3d

No I live in st louis city. The county name is st louis city. I live on the south side which has historically always done well.