
Best investment platform for H1b visa holders.

Currently, I'm investing and YOLOing using Robinhood. I want to setup an account where I can invest a certain amount (e.g. 1500 / weekly) every month into some ETFs and Stocks. Maybe in a set it and forget kinda way. Would also be cool, if rebalancing is taken care of. I found M1 financing to be perfect for my needs. Unfortunately, they are only for US Citizens. I've looked into Fidelity and it probably doesn't support what I need. Seems like they only support automated investments in their own Core funds. I might be wrong. But Fidelity is overtly complex for my needs. Is there an Alternative to M1 financing for h1b visa holders. If not, what is the best way of achieving what I need.

Discover Financial Services ag16 Jan 12, 2021

Try Wealthfront or Betterment

LinkedIn haverford Jan 12, 2021

I am not an expert in this field but I use Wealthfront along with Robinhood (plus got my MSFT stonks in Fidelity). WF works for me.

Anaplan bogledude Jan 12, 2021


Apple qwaszx17 Jan 12, 2021


Yelp OWxL70 Jan 12, 2021

Wealthfront or Betterment

Google pEIe22 Jan 12, 2021

Why do you think Robinhood does not cover your usecases? I use it for that exact usecase and use recurring investments and DRIP. Wealthfront/Betterment doesn't let you choose ETF/stocks. Its experience is Robo adviser where return is sometimes even lower than SPY500 itself.

eBay eBai OP Jan 12, 2021

Yeah i agree. Was shocked to see how bad the return are. And add a 0.25 fees as well. Does robinhood investment covers compounding interest?

eBay eBai OP Jan 12, 2021

What is DRIP?

Google Qwerty-9 Jan 12, 2021

Robinhood has recurring buys right? Why not use it? I like Fidelity, not sure if they have recurring investments, I like to buy everytime so never checked