Coding deep dive and design questions asked

What kind of coding deep dive question and design questions asked for Sr.SDE position in Expedia Group during loop. Are they LC questions or more from experience?

Expedia Group kIXk38 Nov 29, 2023

90% LC for coding but design is occasionally a one-off relational question (like, please design a hotel booking system, please design a platform for customers to purchase tickets) and for the LC is questions they definitely want you to run through edge cases, factor in time/space complexities if applicable, and the biggest one is gather requirements up front. For design, high level and simple but you should plan to modify or add to it to make it more complex with proving questions they ask. You can actually be a fairly OK/average coder during the live interviews but if you communicate well you’ll do great. For any behavioral questions make sure to always explain what YOU owned instead of what your team owned. That always gets people.

Expedia Group HBhv44 OP Nov 29, 2023

This is great info thank you. The initial tech screening was using hackerrank, but loop says “tech coding capabilities from situational experiences” That made me think LC or questions around how I solved some tech problems.

Expedia Group kIXk38 Dec 4, 2023

That sounds about right. Out of curiosity, what country are you in? I’m very surprised you were sent a HR assessment for a senior-level role. Typically we use them for SDE 2 & below in the US but it also could be the specific team.