Tech IndustryAug 11, 2022

Conversation Platform

How is the Conversation Platform in the Expedia Group. Joining as Software developer.

Microsoft aRqQ60 Aug 11, 2022

Id say itā€™s solid

Pegasystems OldRep10 Aug 11, 2022

Probably shouldā€™ve asked this before joining

Microsoft aRqQ60 Aug 11, 2022

Op can ask whenever. Shouldve asked before joining pegasystems

Pegasystems OldRep10 Aug 12, 2022

Didnā€™t know my employment was in question here too but go off dawg

Expedia Group ā€ŽNull Aug 11, 2022

Itā€™s decent

Expedia Group LifesHard Aug 11, 2022

It's one of the better product at Expedia. But they are migrating to EG console.

Dell shaan0607 OP Aug 11, 2022

Whatā€™s EG console?

Expedia Group AvEc28 Aug 11, 2022

Iā€™ve been in way to many conversations on EG Console to hear is here too, while Iā€™m just relaxing šŸ˜Œ

Expedia Group TCvsWLB Aug 12, 2022

One of the worst orgs in EG. Loads of politics no real direction from leadership , chaotic engineering . You will be lucky if you get a decent manager though.

Expedia Group pyros Aug 13, 2022

Conversion Platform is CPCE and now itā€™s called TPSPā€¦.if you still have some time to decide then ā€œrunā€ šŸƒšŸƒ Source: I just moved out of cpceā€¦there is nothing in CPCE that they are buildingā€¦.full of politics and no roadmap!!