Does minimum YOE actually matter on job posts

I'm a fairly young L6 (I played my cards right and got lucky). I want to apply to positions that are L6 equivalent but I find I'm not getting any responses back. I'm fairly confident it's not because of my resume because about a year or two ago I got an email back from a recruiter for almost every job post. I acknowledge that times have changed w.r.t. the job market so that's also at play. My current theory is that it's because I don't meet min YOE for a lot of the L6 equivalent jobs. Thoughts? Should I be trying to hide that on my resume?

53 Participants
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ByteDance BitTokByt May 5

Something’s do require YOE experience when people managing or dealing with highly complex strategies.

Google hdicnvn May 5

Amazon L6??? Amazon L6 == G L5, M E5, etc

Amazon fook23 OP May 5

Yes I'm aware of that, when I say L6 equivalent I literally mean "senior engineer at Microsoft, Google, Meta, etc"

Microsoft hardie May 5

Depends, what's your YOE?

Amazon fook23 OP May 5

4, and most of them say "you need 5"

Amazon jassy_amz May 5

I became an L5 at 4 YOE 🥲

Airbnb ao nop May 5

Amazon L6 is Senior, Senior level is now saturated to the level that junior positions were a few years ago. YOE is a convenient resume filter in this sort of environment but I’d bet you’re more seeing the saturation in general.

Microsoft SLYv25 May 5

You shouldn’t apply via resume drops. That is why your response rate this time around sucks. Things have changed re: ATS use and the hiring bar, so ‘click to apply’ almost never works anymore. Just contact recruiters and hiring managers.

Amazon fook23 OP May 5

What's ATS?

Microsoft SLYv25 May 5

Applicant tracking system