Done with tech, where to go?

I'm done with tech and the bullshit politics and stack ranking. Where can I go for relative job security, sane work expectations and peace of mind? Money is not a motivator, willing to take a paycut for a decent work environment Edit: seems like the wrong platform to ask this.. people seem to have convinced themselves that there's nothing better than tech, and we all should just keep running the rat race

Microsoft raccoon87 3d


Google Rakeshi 3d

In government, you have to prove you use resources to get the same money in next year’s budget. It’s a different kind of dishonesty.

Udemy shaveena 3d

Gov is an easy life, not sure what goog is talking about

zapped🥜EU 3d

Almost anything will be better than tech. I am serious. If you go to construction you will have "gym" as part of your job and you will build strength. If you become a doctor/nurse you will have respect and good money all over the world (no competition, and no bootcamps to break into the field). SWE job is complete shit, besides the money was only good in the USA. Europe, for instance, has low salaries and huge taxes. I have been learning biology and chemistry for the past 6 months, and next year I will enroll in medical school. I am 38 by the way, have 14+ yoe and hate SWE (low pay in Europe, lack of respect, soul wringing OnCall, stack ranking). Good luck

Udemy shaveena 3d

medicine does not pay well in lots of European countries and has tons of competition along the way. I can’t tell if this is parody

Salesforce goooo- 3d

Then what’s good career in Europe? UN employees!?

Google Rakeshi 3d

It’s the same everywhere, ‘tis life. In tech, you fight over 10k per month. Elsewhere, the fight is the same but you fight over 6250 per month.

Intuit buzkut OP 3d

I'm seeing in industries outside tech, they're not firing people for no reason. Do your work, don't piss off someone powerful, retain job. ( Unless laid off). None of this stacked ranking and hunger games

Google Rakeshi 3d

You may also want to consider a smaller company with fewer employees. At least then, the concern isn’t over stack ranking but you’ll soon reach a lower ceiling for growth opportunities.

ex-Grab Grab365 3d

The culture has gone to dogs with all the pips and stack Ranking.

ServiceNow shr23axQ 3d

Start your own business.

Google Rakeshi 3d

OP said they wanted a decent work environment, same work expectations, and peace of mind.

ServiceNow shr23axQ 3d

That's not possible in a 'corporate' setup. Peace of mind comes with doing work with purpose and not staring at the computer desk all day with meaningless work.

Intuit rolpoll 3d

Most people I know who moved away from tech became therapists

Google Rakeshi 3d

The rapists?

Zscaler Gigajesh 3d

How’d they do that

ByteDance Neehaw 3d

Defense is decent - OK pay and job security so long as the fed contract has long durations

Northrop Grumman carti_fan 3d

avoid OP will not survive office politics and working here is not stable

VMware pqwmtg 3d

Sit and Spend some time with homeless poor people you will realise what is peace of mind, and 'money is not your motivator' thing too

Intuit buzkut OP 3d

VMware I used to volunteer with the homeless. Actually, that is why I think that money is not a motivator for me because I am confident that I can get a job where I can earn minimum to survive and I would rather work in a healthy environment than step over people. This is such a bizarre and stupid recommendation. My workplace is very stressful,, I'm seeing good people being thrown under the bus and aggressive people getting ahead by stepping over people. How will spending time with the homeless help? Is it because people are more unfortunate than me so I should suck it up and accept an increasingly unhealthy workplace?

Salesforce goooo- 3d

Airport staff

Visa icyincel 3d

Ppl who say tech is alright are full of shit. The mental health of tech workers is worst and you can see that on blind.

Lyft LyftBased 3d

The causal relationship is not what you think though. It's not that tech creates this, it's that scarcity-mindset midlevel grinders end up trying to get tech jobs and posting on blind. If you are already settled in your life / mentally then it's less likely you'll pursue tech but you could pursue it and not have a shit mindset

Visa icyincel 3d

Nope. Managers are the biggest liabilities. I would even work on saturday if not for them