Tech IndustryJan 16, 2021

DoorDash is the next Amazon

This is a very interesting article and opened my eyes a little on what DoorDash is trying to achieve. I think DoorDash nailed down food delivery and now using it's logistics to be the last mile delivery system for anything and everything. "In 2000, Amazon was a small online store selling books and CDs. It soon branched out to other categories like electronics. But folks remained skeptical. That same year, Wharton business school quipped, ā€œThe attempt to be more than a bookstore smacks of desperation." Do you know what all these analysts got wrong? They failed to see that Amazonā€™s goal was never to create an online bookstore. It was building an entire delivery system for internet shopping! It figured out how to put books into boxes and ship them to your front door, fast. Then Amazon used the same system to deliver shoes, screwdrivers, and thousands of other items." Getting fresh food into consumersā€™ hands is a hard job to get right. If DoorDash can deliver ice cream before it melts, or pizza before it goes soggy, it can deliver anything. In other words, itā€™s ā€œstress testingā€ the system in the toughest arena of all. But DoorDashā€™s goal is to build ā€œthe local, on-demand FedEx.ā€ In other words, a near-instant delivery system for mom-and-pop stores that will ship everything from flowers to coffee to gas.

DoorDash Has All The Makings Of The "Next Amazon"
DoorDash Has All The Makings Of The "Next Amazon"
Capital One wake123 Jan 16, 2021

I just donā€™t see it happening since once the pandemic is over, delivery food service is going to go back down. Anyone that is on a tight budget or is cheap doesnā€™t want to pay those high delivery fees when you can just do it yourself. Plus Restaurants barely get a cut of the profit from doordash.

cisee OP Jan 16, 2021

You didn't read the article. The point is DoorDash is using the hardest category, "food" to test their delivery network. Just like the way Amazon used books and CDs to test their online network, and expanded to electronics, video games, etc.

Amazon mxxw64 Jan 16, 2021

Food delivery is going to grow post pandemic, as more restaurant realise that the delivery fees is way cheaper than renting real estate in prime location and hiring waiters. And more people are going to choose food delivery because of ptsd from the pandemic.

Google blHd8 Jan 16, 2021

Well those new grad workers will be making FAANG VP TC if so

Airbnb IPOer Jan 16, 2021

But last mile delivery isn't new and it's a crowded space already...

Amazon readme.q Jan 16, 2021

Full of local , expensive to work with companies that are a complete mess and never scaled.

Amazon readme.q Jan 16, 2021

Plus donā€™t downplay brand recognition and a standardized order system and successful marketplace at hand

Amazon ewogvn Jan 16, 2021

Doordash service is such shit. So many issues with delivery and orders disappearing. Like 80% of the time something goes wrong. I only use Uber eats now

DoorDash pooršŸ˜¢ Jan 16, 2021

Itā€™s ok let people sleep lol maybe by 2025 theyā€™ll have more respect or maybe not

Amazon ewogvn Jan 16, 2021

Would love for doordash to prove me wrong. More competition is great and if it can raise the quality of service all around with that competition, Iā€™ll gladly eat my words.

DoorDash pooršŸ˜¢ Jan 16, 2021

Service will get better as we continue to hire more and more senior engineers. You have to realize a majority of engineers at doordash were college new grads who essentially built this multi billion dollar company. Iā€™m sure moving forward more experienced engineers will out number engineers in their 20ā€™s which will definitely have an impact

Amazon readme.q Jan 16, 2021

This guy starts to get it. Last mile is hard Last mile it scale is huge Marketplace with crowd , separate drive or store front if others have their own pieces , lots of interesting products And unit economic positive. Whoever is looking at it just as a food ordering platform that will go down with ā€œend of pandemicā€ is wrong Honestly would have joined them earlier if I understood what I understand now. And I know of a few more that jumped / jumping ship to them for the same reason From multiple faang and other places

hugh jarse Jan 16, 2021

they got wrong that the workers are contractors that LOSE money or make under min wage. itā€™s exploitative. it wonā€™t be the next amazon nowhere close

DoorDash Cksg40 Jan 16, 2021

I don't know. This article basically pretends that Instacart doesn't exist. I mean it is true that DoorDash is thinking of much more than just food delivery and I'm bullish about that, but it won't be smooth sailing like this guy suggests

DoorDash pooršŸ˜¢ Jan 16, 2021

Grubhub existed long before DD and you saw what happened. People rather have one app to get anything delivered than have to use multiple apps especially if you have incentives to use that app (DashPass, partner promos, etc)

Salesforce MXYF54 Jan 16, 2021

I love doordash, but I donā€™t see myself using it for everything as you suggest post pandemic.

zDHT25 Jan 16, 2021

Yea, I'm sure Doordash will have cloud computing services soon too šŸ˜†

DoorDash pooršŸ˜¢ Jan 16, 2021

Even without cloud computing I think a company that can deliver anything within 1-2 hours would be worth $200-300b. Look at Meituan

zDHT25 Jan 16, 2021

Why? Zero stickiness for both drivers and consumers. I don't give a shit if my delivery is Doordash, Uber eats, or anything else. Not like doordash is better or more efficient.

Amazon yospsyoy Jan 16, 2021

DoorDash will have to be cheaper than usps for anyone to consider using it for last mile delivery. Thereā€™s a reason Amazon only does its own last mile in metro areas

Amazon readme.q Jan 16, 2021

Or premium service Like prime now

DoorDash pooršŸ˜¢ Jan 16, 2021

With dashpass you donā€™t even pay delivery fees on orders and save on service fees plus the inconvenience of going out to get it yourself or waiting 3-5 business days