
End H1Bs

Economy, AI, growing supply of devs, etc. There’s a time to bring in skilled labor but this ain’t it. If companies want to offshore they obviously can, but they should be taxed and regulated accordingly. Happy 4th

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BlackRock dRjm88 3d

Unfortunately this was posted by H1B non-immigrant who reaped the benefits.

lXPs87 OP 3d

US citizen and there’s no hate toward other countries, but we do have to take care of our own populations.

NVIDIA kashaf 3d

Ok. Can you please put some effort and get elected to office and change the laws ?

Roku hulk- 3d

Completely agree, Please ask your government to kill h1b. It's your country and government has every right to take decisions which benefits their own citizens rather some immigrants. We have no rights to say on this. your country your rules. We will pack our bags and go. But somewhere I feel that no government can stop h1b becoz of that happens the economy will collapse, companies will move headquarters outside USA. Again it's a feeling, please ask gov to stop h1b

Amazon skipyTh 3d

Lets do this and move tech headquarters to Canada, India

lXPs87 OP 3d

There’s a reason companies want HQ in the US.

Nutanix mk94 3d

And you want to change it

Palo Alto Networks clifhangr 3d

Why now though ? Because your folks came on the Mayflower right ?

lXPs87 OP 3d

Because of the reasons I listed in the description.

Palo Alto Networks clifhangr 3d

What makes you think we should end legal immigration now ? When we didn’t end it even during the Great Depression ?

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BlackRock dRjm88 3d

First stop many rapist illegal immigrants

They will given them refugee status

LiveRamp Cfmo17 3d


Box 082i" 2d

Rofl what you thought by simply posting on blind h1 will be ended? What a moron 🤣🤣 There are 44237976448 posts on blind about this. No one gives a fuck about you or your opinion dude 😂

lXPs87 OP 2d

It’s a poll lol. And it seems like the majority agree with me. Sorry for your hurt feelings

Box 082i" 2d

What happens if everyone agrees? 😂😂

Microsoft boilers 2d

I think if they do that then they will ship the jobs all overseas. And no there won't be any taxes or regulation, keep dreaming. This is coming from an American btw. I legitimately think it's in our best interest to allow the top talent to continue to come here. It gives you a chance at least to compete vs. having no hope because the job is in India now. As far as oversupply of devs, well that's on them. College kids need to stop majoring in this saturated field.

lXPs87 OP 2d

There’s nothing stopping them from shipping jobs away now. They mostly don’t because of the US labor pool talent, tax incentives, infrastructure, access to capital, etc. There are talented devs everywhere, but on the whole, companies choose to stay in the US for a reason.

Microsoft boilers 2d

Seems that the talent pool at the top end is mostly H1B? I'm the minority as a white male at Microsoft lol. If you boot out all the H1B talent, then the companies will follow. Top companies pay for top talent, and seems the market deemed them as the top talent. So if by your logic the labor pool is an incentive, well that would be a big incentive lost. Although there are so many new grads waiting to bust in, I am sure there are plenty of them capable of competing. Idk it's just fucked all around.

Outreach CXYFG 2d

Just place a restriction on companies that can sponsor H1B, for example the following companies shouldn't be allowed to sponsor: 1. Companies that that did large layoff recently. It doesn't make sense for companies like Google that laid off 30K US workers, moved a large portion of jobs to India, still comes back crying that they cannot get enough H1b, like it isn't an Indian company already? 2. Foreign owned companies, especially witch companies. They're not sort of talent, since their sole purpose is importing cheap foreign workers to replace US workers On the other hand, companies like OpenAI should be allowed to continue get H1B to attract global AI talent as much as they want