Expedia Chicago SDE 2 Interview tips Java/AEM

Hi Blind folk! I have the first round which is an online test with some 15 questions in 60mins. I'm not expecting leet code style questions in this format. Any tips for this or the rest of the interview process? Thanks in advance! #interviews

Expedia Group rm -rf Jun 9, 2022

There will be at least 2 Leetcode problems with remaining Multiple Choice questions

Hyatt codehog OP Jun 9, 2022

I see, thanks for the tip!

Expedia Group Edrp47 Jun 14, 2022

My on-site for sde2 was 2 leetcode questions (easy/med difficult), 1 behavioral questions round plus general questions about your current work/projects. 1 system design (very high level), 1 informational interview (you ask questions) All my interviewers are my current teammates.