Expedia SDE2 interview

I recently got done with the Hackerank test for the SDE2 position at Expedia Group. Can someone tell me about what will be expected in the next 3-4 rounds in the on-site? Specifically for System Design, what type of questions do they ask? #engineering #software #swe #expediagroup #sde2

Oak Street Health worstu Mar 24, 2023


Genentech zoo2010 OP Mar 24, 2023

3 years

Trend Micro Dr Halsey Mar 24, 2023


Indeed tnlh17 Mar 24, 2023

Got done?! 😑

Genentech zoo2010 OP Mar 24, 2023

Any thoughts?

Expedia Group sUiX84 Mar 24, 2023

Your recruiter will send you extremely detailed next steps for the onsite along with a tutorial video on how to do well. Just watch that and you'll be ok. Expect one LC easy and one LC medium administered by different people along with an easy system design interview. Make sure to have a story about your experience using each of the 5 Expedia values ready. System design portion is very standard. Just be able to design a system with 1 or 2 endpoints that horizontally scales and you'll be fine. Good luck

Genentech zoo2010 OP Mar 24, 2023

Thanks a lot, this is helpful 👍

T-Mobile leet+code1 Mar 24, 2023

After all this , they will finally ghost you or say rejected with no valid reason.

Genentech zoo2010 OP Mar 24, 2023

A friend of mine got an offer as Data Engineer

Oracle mashutyr Mar 24, 2023

Stay away from Expedia. Winter is coming !

Genentech zoo2010 OP Mar 24, 2023

Why do you say so? :/

QuickBase geek16 Mar 25, 2023

Hi, I cleared the HackerRank test too, 3 weeks ago. The recruiter has mentioned that there is going to be a hiring event for on-site. But so far I heard nothing from them. I got another offer and followed up, they just mentioned that the hiring process has slowed down. I'm lost my hopes of interviewing with them.

Genentech zoo2010 OP Mar 26, 2023

That’s disappointing

Amazon indeed45 Apr 5, 2023

Hey did you get done with your interview? How was your experience?