Expedia interview experience

I interviewed for an SDE2 position on 4/15. I thought it went super well, and it was even with the hiring manager! The HM told me to reach out early next week if I didnโ€™t hear back (interview was on a Friday), so it seemed like they liked me! The following Wednesday I followed up with the recruiter, and received no response. One week after following up I tried following again with the recruiter, but received nothing. Iโ€™m struggling to believe I didnโ€™t make the next round or at least prove to do well enough to deserve a rejection. Would it be out of pocket to try reaching out to scheduling or the HM on LinkedIn? PS: I felt like I got along quite well with the HM Tc: 95k YOE: 2

heisenb3rg May 3, 2022

don't keep reaching out, it's cringy and appears needy. they will reach out if they actually want you. move on they pay peanuts ๐Ÿฅœ anyway

Fidelity Investments mrTr70 May 3, 2022

You can reach out to HM on LinkedIn and ask anything about your interview. If they have an offer for you, they will definitely gonna offer you. It wonโ€™t be like, they have an offer and just because you reached out, they will not give you.