Feeling bad now that I didn’t switch Job to a FAANG or similar.

Feeling broke after 5 years of work. Finding it difficult to afford a house. Anybody feeling the same? #tech #faang #housing

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Amazon ¿what? Apr 30

But you’re probably not broken mentally so that’s a plus.

HashiCorp hashiblues Apr 30

LOL Yeah, dysfunction is exclusively a FAANG trait.

Fidelity Investments alattecode Apr 30

My TC and mental health is 🥜

HashiCorp hashiblues Apr 30

Absolutely. I didn't realize how much of an impact it made to have FAANG on the resume when job hunting. Our stock dropped 80% since IPO.

Synopsys sky4023 OP Apr 30

You are getting acquired by IBM soon, does that do any good for you.

Google alpaca 🦙 Apr 30

No? Im not at a shit company

Synopsys sky4023 OP Apr 30

How long you been at Google.

Google alpaca 🦙 Apr 30

Im retired

Qualcomm Mohlo Apr 30

Push your company for more money every 6 months. Ask for raise. Ask for more RSUs. Continuously ask. If they say no, or there's no budget, laugh at them and say the CEO just got a raise, then keep studying and leave as soon as you can. BTW some companies want people to leave. They want to hire young hungry desperate 3rd world migrant slaves and abuse them. Then when the so called slaves don't want to work for like slaves anymore the com0any doesn't want that employee anymore because of the limit-less pool of 3rd world desperate immigrants. The stream of idiots willing to kill themselves while being fleeced by the C-suite is endless... so companies can just keep abusing you and under-paying you for the area you live in. The only waynto break the cycle, everyone needs to start their own companies and say f-off to the business dip shits that do nothing, except jerk their dicks off to strippers after inhaling a ton of cocaine together. The business types are fiscally raping everyone and contribute nothing to society for the 50 million dollar they get paid

Reddit lbok Apr 30

Did… you get an offer from a FAANG?

Synopsys sky4023 OP Apr 30

I got from uber in 2022. Didn’t join due to uncertainty at that time.

Microsoft hfKu05 Apr 30

Are you kidding ? Synopsys did well in last 5 years … stock almost 5 times

Synopsys sky4023 OP Apr 30

No Rsu , only Espp

Microsoft hfKu05 Apr 30

Still that went 5x

Amazon TIPd56 Apr 30

Fuck faang , overrated bullshit, you learn nothing most of the stuff is internal just stupid wrappers over open source software. You get no wlb, career mobility is now gone with layoff season, hikes are low to non existent now a days, no job security, politics that would kill your motivation . I hear my friends in non faang who earn more too

Amazon Benodine May 1

Touch grass... which company pays more than faang??? You are ignorant to your privilege

Figma cxcc Apr 30

In general: higher TC, higher stress. You sure you wanna work at Amazon or Meta? I’ve heard so many horror stories about how dysfunctional those places are

VMware dont_read Apr 30

Buy house in a place where there are no FAANG engineers or FAANG offices

Bloomberg itysdfg Apr 30


Synopsys sky4023 OP Apr 30

220k now

are you in HCOL? thats not bad money