Google Munich TC

Hey folks, I hope you could help me finding the proper balance here. I'm currently working in Berlin with a total comp of 107k (92 + 15RSU). I'm finishing my interview process with Google Munich (Team Match phase going on with some good prospects) and have been asked what's my expected pay. I don't want to low ball myself neither shoot too high, but apparently based on I probably wouldn't get a offer much higher than what I already make (consider costs of living Berlin vs Munich, numbeo says that I'd need at least 110k in Munich for the same living standards in Berlin). I thought on asking 120k (+ RSUs) but not sure... The recruiter is avoiding to tell me which level they're considering me for and I'm avoiding to tell her my expected TC... YOE: 14 #google #munich #engineering #swe - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
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Okta b5gf4s Nov 26, 2021

He is in EU

Delivery Hero gODN33 OP Nov 26, 2021

Thanks. So, IMO they were LC medium. Yes, there was SD interview. Maybe an important aspect is that the position is for FE SWE, no sure if this would impact anything, but anyways.

sheebayong Nov 26, 2021

Don't mention any number but instead let them give you their offer first. Research the negotiation strategy at Big Tech. When you got their offer, ask for more, much preferably with the offer of a competitor in hand. Which level did you get in? L4? With that you can get 150k TC definitely, by now probably more. But there also seem to be a lot of recent low-ball offers on If I knew the upper threshold of the band, I'd ask for 10% more than that You said you were considering 120k + RSUs - what's the issue with that? I'd always primarily consider TC (though the base of course also has to be enough for you)

Delivery Hero gODN33 OP Nov 27, 2021

Thanks for your input, very insightful. Yes, that's the idea, keep a good base to cover short-term goals and RSUs as mid/long-term income. I don't really think there's a problem with those numbers, but a bit anxious on sounding too eager on that maybe? The recruiter answered me saying that the level would be defined this week (I have another team match call with a team I've talked in the past). Right now I need to find the balance between what I'd like, what they're going to offer and what Blind community keeps bashing G. I guess I'll see through the next couple days.

Microsoft vxfhgsaqqj Nov 26, 2021

Why do people even work in Europe if the pay for even the best jobs is 🥜. I would just be a cashier and make 50% of what a CEO does. #socialism

Delivery Hero gODN33 OP Nov 27, 2021


Microsoft attewqqqad Nov 27, 2021

It’s very hard to break 100k in EU but their minimum wage is like 50k. I see no motivation to work hard since they have insane tax rates and low salaries

Rippling NoExit Nov 26, 2021

120k is what people in india make at almost half your yoe. Europe does sound bad option financially. Strongly recommend moving to US.

Microsoft vxfhgsaqqj Nov 26, 2021

US will become stagnant like the EU eventually if we keep voting for Democrats and their socialism

Rippling NoExit Nov 26, 2021

will take a lifetime to change to that

Microsoft computero Nov 27, 2021

May I ask what’s ur strategy to avoid your recruiter not to tell your expected TC?

Delivery Hero gODN33 OP Nov 27, 2021

Mainly saying I haven't thought about the whole picture yet and need to look into cost of living and housing, blah blah, but most importantly, "as it's still not known to which level you're considering me it's hard to think on a fair number"

Alibaba Group readercn Nov 30, 2021

Any final results of the negotiation? Appreciate it for the update

Delivery Hero cBRb88 Jan 15, 2022

It took long to get an offer due to christmas break... 1st offer: TC 135k eur 2nd offer: TC 154k eur

BMW aFmq34 Nov 30, 2021

I was looking at and Google salaries are surprisingly not that high at all for Munich. Compared to say Nvidia which looks like its paying way more. What is going on?

barqux Dec 4, 2021

Don’t give a number. Ask for their range instead to see if it would work for you. Its hard to give a number when you don’t know the level If you must give a range, I would prepare high ranges for the possible levels

Financial Services Company room101 Dec 28, 2021

Would you be so kind as to provide us with the updates? Very curious how it turned out for you.

Delivery Hero cBRb88 Jan 15, 2022

It took long to get an offer due to christmas break... 1st offer: TC 135k eur 2nd offer: TC 154k eur

Delivery Hero cBRb88 Jan 15, 2022

An update on this (lost my previous user but I'm the OP...), finally got team matched and received an offer. Really below my expectations, negotiated a bit, base wouldn't go up but RSUs received a good bump (TC first year around 155K eur) which is an increase over my current pay but not yet sure if I'll make the move. They're putting me as L4 and say I'm on the top of the pay window of such level... Would anyone be able to tell me if we get *vested* stocks during year 1 or do they vest only on the 1st anniversary? This is currently a deal breaker.

Cisco krakow22 Feb 11, 2022

Hey, I have an onsite loop for Google Munich next week. Can I DM you?

Delivery Hero cBRb88 Feb 11, 2022
