Tech IndustryMar 14, 2023

Hating social media companies is just dumb

Obviously there’s always a pros and cons to any new technology. Social media has allowed to connect with people, talk with family overseas, or just share opinions. It has many positive benefits. Sure, you could argue it also has led to worse mental health, and has allowed bad actors to group up. However, these aren’t the fault of the communication medium, but rather the inherent nature of human beings. Humans are prone to compare themselves to others, seek validation, and engage in tribalism. The truth is that if Meta, and TikTok didn’t exist, there will be another company to take their place. It’s because people crave social interaction and a sense of community. Social media companies do have a responsibility to to promote responsible use of their platforms, but ultimately it’s up to the individuals to use it in a productive way. gnikoob Mar 14, 2023

You seem to forget that these companies train their algos to keep the users constantly involved. Usually by showing more and more content that drag them into yet another rabbit hole. Why? To serve more ads and make more money. Yes, i hate social media companies.

LinkedIn getGudNoob OP Mar 14, 2023

Well that’s how all business work, not just social medias. It’s dumb to selectively hate on social media companies. Fast food companies optimize their ingredients for best taste for the money. Video game companies make their games more addictive for more money. Fashion brands optimize their brand image to make more money. It’s all the same.

Squarespace igrb47 Mar 14, 2023

Thats a dumb argument because you can say that about drugs too. Look at it from a balanced point of view.

LinkedIn getGudNoob OP Mar 14, 2023

You can say that about food, video games and porn as well. It’s all no different. It’s consumerism.

wrzz Mar 14, 2023

I don’t dislike social media companies but I dislike social media for myself because it gets in the way of actually putting time into the real relationships I already have which are incredibly valuable to me. I wouldn’t mind working for one if they were responsible though.

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wrzz Mar 14, 2023

In the grand scheme of things, this is unfortunately true.

LinkedIn getGudNoob OP Mar 14, 2023

Is there a better alternative to capitalism?