Love LineJun 10

Help, I’m married and I want kids but he doesn’t 🥲

My husband and I have been married for 2 years going on 3. He knew I wanted kids and I knew he didn’t. And now we’re at the verge of divorcing because we both want different things. What should I do here, find a way to make it work or start over? 💔🥲

YGGX18 Jun 12

I would get a divorce. If you want kids you should find someone who can have kids with you especially before your biological clock stops ticking

YGGX18 Jun 12

At least 🥶 your eggs

djruto Jun 13

I don't think you could convince him to have kids if he is so set on no kids. Even if somehow you end up having a kid, then your husband could regret and detach from the kid and you, which makes divorce lot worse. You can't change people, just like you won't change not having a kid for the rest of your life. Not that you should change your mind for him. You two are just different.

Mod@7p4bAki OP Jun 16

It’s just tough you know when someone’s the love of your life. It’s hard to make that decision to leave after you’ve pictured this future together. 💔

watchkino Jun 14

Hard one to solve, probably no way out