Tech IndustryFeb 4, 2023

How can swes actually use ChatGPT

Cool that chat gpt can write code, but how can swes actually use it for their job without sending openai a bunch of their company’s code? Example would be super helpful Non swe trying to learn coding. Tc: 💩 Yoe: 1

Audacious Inquiry Bknz80 Feb 4, 2023

Use it instead of stackoverflow for code snippets

Target Bcorney Feb 4, 2023

Kid. There are so many more uses than putting in your companies code.

^^^^^ OP Feb 4, 2023

I believe you! But I don’t understand yet

Target Bcorney Feb 4, 2023

Don’t ask it to correct code. Ask it how to write code. It can really help remove the need to research boilerplate. I.e If you are writing bash, it can help you avoid fiddle-fucking your way through the right conditional syntax.

Amazon 🍌 Lord Feb 4, 2023

it's good for generic questions that don't reveal anything proprietary like "refactor this for loop into a java 8 stream / collector"

Expedia Group Prestige™️ Feb 4, 2023

I use it for code snippets, suggesting ML packages and how to quick write a ML Skeleton

Amazon cdk init Feb 4, 2023

Used it today to find which design pattern will fit my use-case.