
How does Microsoft ESPP’s plan works?

I understand that you can invest up to 15% of your paycheck. When do you vest the stocks, and what is the discount offered on Microsoft stocks? What im mostly interested in learning is how that impact your monthly cashflow. We have a pretty tight monthly cashflow after our expenses and maxing out our 401k and HSA.

Vonage Bhyd28 Dec 19, 2022

I have tight monthly cash flow after that as well. Because of that I only do 3%. I’ll do more later in life

Apple stonksRekt Dec 19, 2022

10% discount Have to wait a quarter, sell immediately if your cash flow is limited

Google lllIIIlll OP Dec 19, 2022

Is it a rolling quarter (90 days after the paycheck deduction), or do you get all your stocks once a quarter?

Google lllIIIlll OP Dec 19, 2022

Also, if you set it up to sell immediately, are you guaranteed to get a 10% gain? If not guaranteed, what does the average gain looks like in your experience?

Performance Software Corporation DogLover; Dec 19, 2022

Their stock is down so we are holding. 15% max. We already had accounts with Fidelity and a new one was created to receive ESPP stock.

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Google lllIIIlll OP Dec 19, 2022

Don’t you vest at 90% of the market value? If you were to sell immediately at vest time, wouldn’t you get a guarantee return? Where is the gamble?

Tile bimmbi Dec 19, 2022

How much can one buy?

Google lllIIIlll OP Dec 20, 2022

15% of paycheck

Tile bimmbi Dec 20, 2022

How many times in a year?