
How hard is the interview game vs 2019?

People who were doing LC and system design back in 2019, is it all still the same difficulty for LC and SD? Or is it significantly harder these days due to normalizing of question levels? Thx 230k 5yoe

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Red Hat here nd 3d

i feel like you know the answer to this question already.. like who in their right mind would confidently say 2024โ€™s interviews are easier than 2019โ€™s. Anyone who votes same or 2019>2024 is just trolling. Sure you might get a random interviewer who is nice and gives you an easy question but the average interview is significantly harder

Meta =[None] 3d

Code is becoming less specialized. AI coding assistants are here to stay and will only improve. My team recognizes this. It's more important now to think abstract and understand system design.

txBS22 3d

This is a totally rational take, and one that I agree with. I'm no longer at a point where I code every day, but started a side project with friends. I own the back end and decided to give Go a shot, even though I knew next to nothing about it. Not a problem with a mix of Google for concepts and AI assistance for syntax. Despite the learning curve, I still ended up spending more time on design and architecture than coding. IMHO, this continues the trend towards concepts and architecture that I've seen in my 25+ years. The pure code warriors will mostly be replaced by AI

Amazon wxcdr 2d

Significantly harder you need to be perfect in all rounds otherwise interviewers will nitpick the shit out of you and reject