Shelter in PlaceApr 12, 2020

How to reopen: Physical freedom v.s. Personal privacy?

Ever since the pandemic begun, this is a tough choice for policy makers: Because of the distinct nature of COVID-19 (asymptomatic tranmission, disproportionate fatality rate among age groups), there seems to be only two ways to stay afloat in this crisis (Assuming mask wearing and temporature checks are universal): 1) Constraint on people’s physical movements (aka social distancing). Most of the states are following this strategy as of now (shelter in place/stay at home). We can continue to do this until vaccine comes out. Pros: 100% safe, wont get infected if you don’t go out and make contacts with other people. Cons: Irreparable harm to the economy, massive layoffs and unemployment. People might starve and start riots. 2) Intrusion of personal privacy. Mass testing and digital contact tracing. Apple and Google is already proposing an OS level contact tracing with opt in feature. However to roll out as a policy, we might still need further legislative debate. This is also how Singapore, South Korea and China are reopening. Pros: We could keep economy running and keep people employed. Cons: This set a bad precedent that might never be rolled back like PATRIOT act. Government might do mass surveilance and big tech may squeeze more ad money out of us. Which one do you choose and why?

88 Participants
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Amazon nunyabeeswa Apr 12, 2020

Losing privacy is a one way door folks . Once they’re in, they’re in.

Google xiuxiu OP Apr 12, 2020

As a counter argument, losing your life or your loved ones’ is also a one way door.

Amazon nunyabeeswa Apr 12, 2020

Wasn’t one of your options stay at home ?

Google f5cop4dhi Apr 13, 2020

A fellow man of culture... Jpow goes brrrrr