AMAMar 20

I am dumb AF, AMA

TC: $660k (mostly stocks) Second half of 30s, doing moderately ok, got no life, spouse does not find me attractive, hate life. I am the only one working in family (parents, spouse, sibling - none actively working). UPDATE (that no one asked for). Thanks for humoring me and being polite. I am looking to get “happy pill” prescription and douse all dumbness through an SSRI and accept the Truman show.

C2FO ox'long Mar 20


Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20


Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

Been here for a while, lot of stocks through several plans (mentioned in other reply)

Microsoft the king 👑 Mar 20

Are you the husband of my girlfriend?

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

You are gf or bf, come home with them and will find out

Stripe doobius Mar 20

^ this guy must have a good camera to record

NAGRA angry_meow Mar 20

I can understand, sometimes life can be tough.

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

Thanks 🙏

Google Not__HR Mar 20

Get a divorce

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

Will lose millions

Google Not__HR Mar 20

Transfer it all to crypto snd leave the country then.

VMware NrTX83 Mar 20

Well find things that would make you happy and start doing those. Start living life for yourself. Hope you would start loving life.

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

That’s the challenge, issinit? That’s why I said “I am dumb AF”

VMware NrTX83 Mar 20

Well it wont be that difficult if you sit down and think what kind of things used to make you happy in the past. Note down those on a paper. Start with this and see where it goes.

ex-X HODI-DUDI Mar 20

Sorry to hear buddy. Make sure you’re at least getting good quality sleep, helps reset your daily stress.

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

The anxiety is hard

ex-X HODI-DUDI Mar 20

Melatonin helps me when I can’t stop thinking at night

Woven by Toyota Code.Leet Mar 20

Bring mint back

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

I tried

PayPal 007_PayPal Mar 20

Watch American beauty

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

Kevin S spooks me up. Too freaky

Bank of America blahblahhp Mar 20

When you say you are the only one working, are you supporting your parents and siblings?

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

Yes, trying to make them independent by ancquiring income generating assets for them. Dad and siblings have health conditions, I love them too much to leave them by-themselves.

Charles Schwab takla Mar 20

Guide me as well to reach at least half of what you are drawing: Single earner stuck at 150k, same no working wife, parents, siblings :-( in Tech SWE

Credit Karma _yo_ OP Mar 20

Find a better paying company at the right stage (growing). I had mixed luck.

Lending Club NotInClub Mar 20

Stop supporting siblings, they'll get a job