If Biden withdraws, should Biden also resign now?

Hypothetically, if Biden were to withdraw from the campaign now due to age and infirmity, should he also resign the presidency immediately?

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Uber timurlone 3d

Iā€™m not a dem but if Biden resigns itā€™ll be a chaos now.

Stripe PapaBear2 12h

Heā€™s not qualified based on the constitution.

Uber timurlone 8h

White House doctors wonā€™t certify that

Google phlbgtt88 OP 3d

The premise of this question is that Biden (hypothetically) has already withdrawn from the campaign.

Stripe prowskibar 2d

He will be pushed out by wealthy unelected donors. Welcome to the Democratic Party! Hello Bernie šŸ‘‹

Cruise dhdkdbdkd 2d

I think itā€™s reasonable for Biden to withdraw but continue being president in the meantime. It would be like saying heā€™s fine for now, but canā€™t do another 4 years.

HPE 88r 2d

isnt this where article 25 comes to play? its interesting the msm isn't running wall to wall coverage on biden facing article 25 issues.

Cruise dhdkdbdkd 2d

One could argue that Biden is fit to be president for another 6 months, but his health is in decline and wonā€™t be fit in a year or two.

The mechanics of him staying president but pulling out of the race are complicated for his party.

Cisco 6swniv 2d

Must say, Iā€™m a Biden supporter but not particular interested in politics. But another Google meltdown similar to 2018 would be interesting to witness. That was epic. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/09/12/leaked-video-google-leaderships-dismayed-reaction-to-trump-election/

Google Prbw07 2d

Doesn't seem like a meltdown. More like a rational discussion.

Cisco 28gwh1 Yesterday

More like snowflakes

Amazon blind monk 2d

Debates are useless. Nobody wins a campaign from a single debate. If Biden stays, he has a decent chance at winning. If Biden is replaced, an easy win for Trump, no contest.

Microsoft Hey-Zeus 2d

Biden dropping out would destroy our Democracy! He was duly chosen during primaries by the Party and replacing him would go against the will of the people! Only fascist bigot White supremacist extreme MAGA threats to Democracy want to replace him!

Google ToGoBoxBoy 2d

/S ?

Oracle cgiwrld 2d

It was a coup in 2020 to save the monarchy and the oligarchy. Least meddling by an unthinking puppet is better for them than a puppet with self-interest. Trump was plan B.