If the job market is so tough , should H1B be paused?

It doesn't look like the number of H1B applications is dropping ( were around 440k this year) . From 2009 onwards, they had drastically reduced . What am I missing? Why bring in more people in the workforce when not enough jobs around.

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SolarWinds ProbPoopin 3d

Right now the problem isn't H1B, the problem is offshoring. Why do you think all of the C levels are suddenly indian?

Meta pfodoknd OP 3d

Well if it's offshoring then also jobs in US are less right? H1B tied directly to that

ex-Upwork bbnutinuya 3d

Who says C-Levels aren't/weren't H1Bs too? Put H1Bs in positions of leaderships and surprise, they send American jobs to their homes

Capital One 🦆🦆✨️ 3d

Ask Canada

Oracle qioru65 3d

Job market is tough for the American born, low performing, expensive worker in tech. Not for anyone else.

rizz like🤩 3d

Oh, but you see, our opinions don’t matter It’s big business making the donations and setting policy, and they enjoy the hunger games fight for jobs to keep costs down

Microsoft Copilot. 3d

OP on H1 complaining about h1s

Pinterest AddMoree 3d

Is it surprising? If the bus is already full then you don’t want to get in. Because it will hurt you

Meta pfodoknd OP 3d

First of all I am not on H1b, am a citizen. Secondly, situations change. Just because conditions for h1b were favorable a decade back doesn't mean they are today. Similarly, if there is a labor shortage, h1b can even be doubled in the future. It all depends on the demand and supply.

Nokia fckjay 3d

We need TRUMP.

Amazon bdnd7373! 3d

DEI is the problem. Companies want the most diverse candidates. Hopefully Trump can crack down on DEI.

Goldman Sachs Lc76Gv 3d

Obviously, but Congress won’t act even to benefit their constituents.