Illegals steals from stores and sells items right outside in front of stores

This is what happens to your cities when you keep voting Democrats

NYC block turned into illicit open-air market for migrant crooks, prostitution: ‘It’s relentless’
NYC block turned into illicit open-air market for migrant crooks, prostitution: ‘It’s relentless’
Apple iepcLn Apr 24

You guys are so gullible

Hxge63 OP Apr 24

Did CNN or Rachel Maddow from MSNBC tell you to say that? you gullible fool

Google isb yu Apr 24

What's gullible about this? There are millions of people in NYC, lying about an entire neighborhood would be stupid because anyone there could walk outside and prove him wrong. Occam's razor says this is likely true.

Meta zucktheboz Apr 24

Well then fix the system !

Apple ndxE82 Apr 24

Dems are enabling this and to fix it mean they would admit fault so they wouldn’t

Meta zucktheboz Apr 24

You’re saying as if Rep are for poor and unprivileged. It’s the whole system that needs to go or change before we see any improvement.

Amazon hyrdv Apr 24

Then give me a better fucking candidate than Donald Trump. You have people who are willing to vote by person instead of party, and the best you can give me is Trump?

Microsoft NfFX76 Apr 24


Capital One c1d2e3 Apr 24

Trunp is a moderate so agreed.

Amazon 👁️cu Apr 24

Here's who's organizing them > Rubinov, Yuriy Khodzhandiyev, and Rafik Israilov

Smartsheet biyki Apr 24

Wall Street won’t get near this set of hoookers though?!

Microsoft wolf-safe Apr 24

I see citizens doing similar stuff on a regular basis. I have given up on offer up for this exact reason. People just steal from big box stores and sell it for cash on offerup

Meta wsj-update Apr 24

😂😂😂 people will do anything for clicks

Tesla m3rulz Apr 24

The media is starting to report on reality because shit has gotten so bad they can't hide it anymore. Yet you still see people who don't believe it. It doesn't matter what party you affiliate to, if we don't get active and push for change, we are going to end up like a third world county...

NVIDIA VoteDеm🗽 Apr 24

Fake news from MAGAtards! 💯

Amazon 👁️cu Apr 24

Is the NYC Mayor's office also filled with MAGAtards? Cause there's a steady stream of press releases on how they started to combat retail theft because of the above

Coinbase jcjevinrbr Apr 24

I live in NYC and can’t vote due to being on H1B. Can confirm there are illegals everywhere trying to sell me shit

NVIDIA VoteDеm🗽 Apr 24

See how good new americans are living in our best country!