Tech IndustryMay 12, 2021

Interviewing for TPM II Role @ Expedia

I am in the process of interviewing for a TPM II role at Expedia on the EPS team. I’ve got my final rounds of interviews scheduled but am worried about job security. I am currently contracted at Amazon with a pretty low level Support position that would make the jump to TPM a big one financially and career wise. Is now a good time to join EG? It seems to be beginning the (most likely long) bounce back of its financials struggle pre and during covid. Any advice helps, thanks guys.#

Expedia Group aplicot May 12, 2021

EPS is probably one of the better Orgs in terms of importance and focus for the business (and I'm not in EPS and not a TPM)

Expedia Group Frggitf May 13, 2021

Contracting at Amazon > TPM at expedia. No issues with Job security. You should be good. Interview for TPM III instead of TPM II.

Expedia Group nyad44 May 20, 2021

EPS is about to be gutted, look for another role.

Expedia Group whatnoted May 20, 2021

Really? Why do you think that?

Expedia Group nyad44 May 21, 2021

Read the tea leaves.

Expedia Group alfresco May 21, 2021

No problem with job security. I’m TPM in expedia. I work with EPS folks and didn’t see any problem there apart from the fact last year , they cutdown heavily on vendors and hired FTs. So far I know, EPS is one of the profit making org in Expedia.